Eleventh Grade

Orientaciones Metodológicas  para realizar las actividades de la lección. (Semana 18/05/20-22/05/20) Undécimo  grado

*The  digital text book of eleventh grade is  not available at this moment, so I am going to work in this way.

These are the activities for this lesson:(remember You must use your notebook)

1.       Copy and read this text. Then answer the information questions

In December, Paola will graduate high school. She will say “Goodbye” to her teachers and friends, and she will move to Juigalpa to study in UNAN University. In the university, Paola will study economics, because in the future she wants to work in a bank. Paola will work hard, and in five years she will graduate from the university. Paola will begin her career; she will be successful and earn a lot of money.

 When will Paola graduate high school?

 Where will Paola study?

 What will Paola study?

 Why will Paola study economics?

 When will Paola begin her career?

 2. Study this information about the present perfect. For more information watch this video.

     The present perfect is used for something that happened before the present now. The exact time is not important.

·         I have earned this promotion.

·         Ruth has arrived on time every day since she started working here.

·         They have not confirmed their attendance at the meeting.

                       Verb Form: HAVE (Simple Present) + past participle
                       Subject + HAVE + past participle + Complement.
                       I have studied English.
                       He has been to Spain.
                       Subject + HAVE + not + past participle + Complement.
                       You have not worked in Leon.
                       She has not written a cover letter.
                       HAVE + Subject + past participle + Complement + ?
                       Have you gone to church? Yes I have/No, I haven’t
                       Has he learned to drive? Yes , he has / No ,he hasn’t

3. write six sentences in Present perfect . Use the verbs from the video.

Methodological Strategies    Lesson #2
Eleventh Grade
Week  ( 25/05/20-29/05/20)
In this week we will continue studying the present perfect Tense. The achievement indicator is the student uses the present perfect in a job interview. Please follow all the activities below.

  • 1.     Study this grammar chart, and copy it on your notebook.

Past participle

    2.    Complete these sentences with present perfect. Use verbs in parenthesis from the chart.

I___________________ the new iphone in the store.( buy)

We _________________ a  book about corona virus in Nicaragua.(write)
She ___________________her homework.(do)
They _________________ soccer for seven years in this club.(play)
You __________________ this singer at the concert.(meet)

3.     Read this job interview, then write a new job interview about your future job. Replace Interviewer with the name of your future boss and the applicant with your name.

Interviewer: Good afternoon. Please, sit down. Welcome to Sor Oliva Lombardi Secondary school.
Applicant: Good afternoon. I want to apply for the English teacher job in the secondary school.
Interviewer: Ok, what´s your name?
Applicant: My name is María José Téllez Rodríguez.
Interviewer: Ok, what work experience do you have, María José?
Applicant: I have worked as a substitute teacher in San Lorenzo in 2010, and I have worked as a waitress in Villa Rosa Restaurant from 2008-2009.
Interviewer: Interesting. And what is your greatest strength?
Applicant: Well, I have many good qualities, but my greatest strength is creativity.
Interviewer: Ok, thanks. I will call you if a work opportunity is possible.
Applicant: Thank you for your time! Goodbye.

* Remember all activities are in your notebook.

Methodological Orientations   Lesson #3
Week ( June 1st-5th)
In this lesson we will learn some tips about a job interview. Please follow the activities below.

 1. Watch this video about how to prepare for a job interview

2. Write the list of tips you learned from the video.

3. Write your opinion about the video.

My first Quiz        click here

Methodological Strategies – Lesson #4
Week (08/06/20-12/08/20)

In this week we will review some contents developed in Unit 2.Follow the directions and do the activities on your notebook.

1. Describe through five statements the education you need for different future careers.


·        If I want to be a tour guide, then I need to study English.
·        If I want to be a lawyer, then I need to study Laws at UNAN-Managua.

2.Write five advantages of English in different Careers. Make a concept map.

3.      Describe in a paragraph your ideal future career. Explain what the advantages are, then underline the main idea.

Methodological strategies – Lesson #5

Week (22/06/20-26/08/20)

In this week we will identify, categorize and discuss universal human needs.

1.    Create a concept map about these Human Rights

a.     All people are born free and equal.

b.     All people have the right to a free education.

c.      All people have the right to free speech.

d.     All people have the right to religious freedom.

e.     All people have the right to a home.

f.       All people have the right to food.

g.     All people have the right to work.

h.     All people have the right to vote.

i.        All people have the right to play.

    2. Read the passages and identify which human right is involved. Write it  on the line.

   1. Ricardo doesn’t go to school because his parents can’t pay the fee. School should be      free in Ricardo’s country but the mayor makes every student pay $5 a month to go to class.

       2. Robert’s parents are sad and angry that their son can’t go to school. They protest in front of the mayor’s house. The mayor arrests the protestors and puts them in jail for protesting.

       3. Rosa has a degree in engineering. She applies to 10 different jobs. Each time a man gets the job instead of her. None of the men have degrees. Rosa never gets a job.
4.    Isabella wants to play with her friends, but her parents will not permit her. Every day she has to clean and cook after school. One day she leaves to play volleyball. When she gets home, her parents punish her. They tell her to never leave without permission again.

5.      In Ramon’s country it hasn’t rained in two years. There is very little food. The government exports some food to make money. Ramon only eats one meal a day. His sister died from malnutrition.

6.      Every Sunday, the people in Sarah’s town go to different churches. But Sarah cannot practice her religion. Police close (or destroy) her church and tell her not to go there.
7.      Yaribell pays a stranger to take her across the border to find work. When she arrives, she is forced to work as a prostitute. The owners of the brothel take all the money, and she cannot leave the brothel because the owners are violent. She becomes pregnant and has a baby. Her child is born into slavery, too, and grows up in the brothel.

For more information watch this video

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