Tenth Grade

Orientaciones Metodológicas  para realizar las actividades de la lección. (Semana 18/05/20-22/05/20) Décimo  grado

1 1.  En esta semana estudiaremos la lección 6: leyendas y supersticiones nicaragüenses. Encontrará esta lección en la página 40.

2.       Primero tienes que leer las leyendas. A continuación, copia las leyendas y agrega el título correspondiente. (actividad 1 página 40 libro de texto)

3.        Finalmente, lea la información de las leyendas nicaragüenses que está estudiando y cuente la historia a través de preguntas :

·          Quién (los personajes)
·         What ( the plot of the legend)
·         Where( place of the legend)
·         When ( the time of the legend)
·         Why ( the reason you believe of the legend )

Example             La Cegua

·         Who : La Cegua and people who leave at night.
·         What : La Cegua is an attractive woman with long hair.She appears at night and she doesn’t show her face…
·         Where: In Nicaragua
·         When : Colonial Times
·         Why: to avoid people leave at night.

4.       Solve activity 2 from the textbook on page 40.Read the first part of the sentence, then select the correct meaning.

Methodological Strategies    Lesson #2
Tenth Grade
Week ( 25/05/20-29/05/20)

In this week we will continue studying  about nicaraguan Legends and superstitions. The achievement indicator is  the student describe the setting and plot of a Nicaraguan  legend in the  target language. Please follow all the activities below.
  1.       .  Read these legends and describe the setting plot. Use who, what, where, when, why.

La Mocuana

La Mocuana was an Indian princess. Her father, the chief, was nice to the Spanish conquerors at first but then ordered them to leave. Soon the Spanish returned to conquer the village and take their gold. The chief hid the treasure and his daughter, La Mocuana, was the only other person who knew where it was. During a battle between the two groups the tribe won. Later, the son of one of the Spanish soldiers came to the village and fell in love with La Mocuana. She fell in love with him and they planned to run away together. She gave him her father’s treasure so they could have money. The Spaniard locked La Mocuana in a cave, and he ran away with the treasure. La Mocuana escaped through the back of the cave. The heartbroken princess began to explore the woods and went crazy because she was betrayed. Some people say that they see her on dark nights, and La Mocuana brings drunkards to her cave where they disappear. If you are outside at night, be careful because La Mocuana is there, too!

La Carretanagua

On dark nights, a ghost cart passes the streets of Nicaragua. The cart is driven by Death. There are two oxen, one white and one black, and they are so skinny they are practically skeletons. People hear the cart passing their house, and they are afraid. The cart cannot make turns, it just disappears at the end of the road. When the carretanagua passes through a town, it takes peoples’ souls with it.

1    2 .   Complete the sentences with words from the list. Activity  5 textbook page 42.

 3.   Choose the correct ending for the popular superstition. Activity 6 textbook page 42

*Remember all activities are in your notebook.

Methodological Orientations   Lesson #3
Week ( June 1st-5th)

In this week we will review the comparative form of the adjective and students will be able to write comparisons. Follow the activities below:
1.     Copy and study this table


1.one syllable adjectives- add er
2.Two or more syllables- write more
Interesting frightening
More common
More interesting
More frightening
4.ending in Y- Change y to i


a)     Wiston is happier than Carlos.
b)     La mocuana es más aterradora que el cadejo.
c)      Nicaragua es más grande que Costa Rica.

2.     Pon las oraciones en orden. Libro de texto de la actividad 8 página 43

3.      Escribe la forma comparativa de cada adjetivo. Luego escribe una comparación usando personajes de leyendas nicaragüenses.



La historia de la dama que llora es más extraña que la historia del jinete sin cabeza.

4.     Lea los textos sobre 2 ciudades principales en Nicaragua. Luego escribe al menos cinco comparaciones. Libro de texto de la actividad 16, página 45

5. Para más información y práctica, mira este video

 My First quiz...Please click on the picture

Methodological Strategies – Lesson #4
Week (08/06/20-12/08/20)

In this week we will review some contents developed in Unit 2. Read each direction from the textbook activities on pages 47 and 49.

1.    Find the words in the box. Activity 4 page 47. You must do the soup of letters on your notebook.

2.       Use the words above ( green Chart) to complete the sentences. There is an extra word. Activity 5 page 47

3.      Complete the chart with adjectives and comparatives. Activity 6 page 47

4.      Complete the sentences with the comparatives.Use the adjectives in the box to create the necessary comparatives. Activity1 page 49

5. FOR MORE INFORMATION watch this video

Methodological strategies – Lesson #5

Week (22/06/20-26/08/20)

In this week we will compare and contrast different types of personalities.

1.    Use the textbook on page 65

2.    Copy and study the adjectives to describe personality. Activity 1

3.    Match the adjectives to the description or definition. Activity 2

4.    Write sentences describing personalities of your classmates.


a.    Mary is generous.
b.    Robert is very persistent

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